Game of the Year: Modern Warfare 2

Publisher: Activision
UK Price: £39.99 (incl. VAT)
US Price: $58.99 (excl. Tax)
Bit-tech Score: 9 out of 10 – Excellence Award

It’s going to be a controversial choice in the eyes of some, but this time around you can’t blame anybody but yourselves. This Top 10 was user-voted and there was never any point that Modern Warfare 2 was less than five percent ahead of the nearest competitor. It was a clear winner from the moment the first votes were cast.

Despite Modern Warfare 2’s popularity though it remains a much maligned game in the PC community for the way that it has dropped dedicated server support and forced PC gamers to use listen servers exclusively – which has resulted in a completely closed multiplayer system controlled by Activision. No mods, no dedicated servers – just IWNet and the restrictions therein.

*Top 10 Games of The Year 2009 Game of the Year 2009
Modern Warfare 2 - Game of the Year

Despite the problems with IWNet though, Modern Warfare 2 remains an incredibly enjoyable and popular game with a singleplayer campaign which, while brief, is fast and varied enough to make heads spin. Players get the chance to do everything from launch stealthy assaults on snow-swept Russian bases to climb through the ruins of an invaded, demolished Washington – and that’s without mentioning the boat chases, snowmobile races and knife fights!

It’s the addition of the new Spec Ops mode which gives Modern Warfare 2 an edge over most other titles this year though, allowing players to team up to try and tackle some difficult co-op challenges. Our personal favourite is still the Overwatch mission, which puts one player on foot behind enemy lines in a mad rush to the finish while the other player mans an AC130 and provides covering fire.

*Top 10 Games of The Year 2009 Game of the Year 2009
Modern Warfare 2 - Game of the Year

It shouldn’t be underestimated just how massive an effect Modern Warfare 2 has had on the games industry this year either. The launch of the game was one of the most publicised events of the year for more than just the usual specialist media, with even the normally games-indifferent publications breaking cover to report on the game and the host of celebrities attached to it. At the same time other publishers have been shaking in fear, with all but the bravest developers having their titles delayed until long after the Modern Warfare 2 launch window. The plus side of that is the start of next year is now stuffed with enough games to ensure RSI in everyone with a mouse and a pulse.
*Top 10 Games of The Year 2009 Game of the Year 2009
Naturally, we couldn’t discuss Modern Warfare 2 without some sort of mention of That Level either. You know the one we mean. The airport. While individual reactions to the incredibly controversial scene, which provoked everything from momentary outrage to full-on recalls, have been mixed there’s no doubting that it was a brave move on Infinity Ward’s part.

Whether you think it was nought but an attempt to gather controversy for publicity reasons or a genuine attempt to move gaming narratives forward, the fact remains that Infinity Ward has opened a lot of eyes. The size of the game and the level of hype around it forced more than just the hardcore audience to pay attention to Modern Warfare and Infinity Ward has used that chance to show them that games aren’t just for little kids anymore and are an important medium in their own right.

Disagree with the results? Let us know your thoughts in the forums and be sure to keep an eye on the gaming channel next year too for even more coverage on the latest and greatest games.
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