Sony: "We aren't arrogant any more"

Written by Joe Martin

April 7, 2010 | 12:01

Tags: #advert #advertising #dille #industry #playstation-3 #ps3

Companies: #sony

Sony's head of marketing, Peter Dille, claims that the company has at last dropped the arrogance it displayed a few years ago, back when the PlayStation 3 was launched and that it now aims to communicate to customers more directly.

The change in approach is, Dille claims, evidenced by the PS3's new "It only does everything" slogan and a move away from the weird, artistic adverts that company ran when the PS3 launched.

We get questions about the white room and the baby ad quite a bit," Dille said at the MI6 Marketing Conference (via MCV), referring to some of the older PS3 adverts. "That whole campaign was to get people to say 'What the? I need to understand more about what this is’.

"[i]That whole campaign was really about power and the power the PS3 has, but what we found was that this whole positioning was a bit intimidating to people. Our research also showed that Sony could be perceived as arrogant.

Sony's new approach emphasises a lower price point, greater functionality and a more traditional way of communicating to consumers.

The arrogance I think has gone away. We kind of gotten back to our mojo with the sense of humour that people came to know and love with early PlayStation advertising."

Check out our favourite Sony advert ever, from back in the PS2 days, below, then let us know your thoughts in the forums.

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