E3: CCP plans 30 year lifespan for EVE Online

Written by Joe Martin

June 6, 2012 | 10:46

Tags: #e3-2012 #eve #mmo

Companies: #ccp #eve-online

Discussing the future of MMO EVE Online at E3 2012, developer CCP revealed that it has a 30 year plan for the game and is confident it can realise that aim.

Speaking to Massively, Creative Director Torfi Olafsson said that much of EVE's success comes down to keeping a core team consistently involved with the product.

The development team has grown along with the revenue," said Olafsson , "[But] we’ve never scaled down or switched over to a live team or a skeleton team.[/i]"

Many MMOs change too much content over their lifetimes, ruining the game or diluting it away from the original vision implied Olafsson. Keeping a level of consistency has allowed EVE to mostly avoid that issue and gives it a good chance of continuing to grow until it's 30 year anniversary.

EVE’s content is its people. When there’s more people, there’s more content going on, and if it becomes too saturated [in terms of hardware], we’ll throw in another server. But it’s still the same universe,

EVE Online is currently celebrating its ninth year and is close to breaking its all-time subscriber record even as we speak - though that's likely to be shattered when Dust 514 eventually launches for PlayStation 3.

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