Google has teased plans to get involved with the maker community, canvassing for suggestions on how best to bring its various tools - such as machine learning and artificial intelligence technologies - to hobbyist-friendly platforms like the Raspberry Pi.

Google is no stranger to the Raspberry Pi family of single-board computers, of course: It was an early investor in the project back in 2013, funding 15,000 units for UK schools as part of an effort to boost technology education in the nation. Now, though, it's looking for a wider-scale initiative, with plans to port various technologies to the Pi and similar platforms both as an educational effort and to provide useful tools for makers and tinkerers building exciting things.

'We at Google are interested in creating smart tools for Makers, and want to hear from you about what would be most helpful. As a thank you, we will share our findings back with the community so that you can learn more about Makers around the world,' the advertising giant explained in a brief introduction to a survey it is currently running. Questions range from whether you self-identify as a maker, your age and experience levels, to the platform powering your next planned project including robotics and drones through to 3D printing and machine learning.

Running further through the survey reveals the possible technologies Google could share with the community: speech sentiment analysis, emotion recognition through computer vision, audio understanding, predictive analytics, handwriting recognition, natural language processing, and speech recognition are all on the board, though none are guaranteed to be provided as a result of answers given during the survey.

Those wishing to participate can find the survey, which should take no more than five or ten minutes to complete, here.
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