Treyarch: Games should use tech for a purpose

Written by Joe Martin

August 18, 2010 | 22:42

Tags: #call-of-duty #call-of-duty-black-ops #call-of-duty-series #gamescom-2010

Companies: #activision #treyarch

GamesCom 2010: Asked whether the constant push to use new technology is holding back games developers, Treyarch's Josh Olin told bit-tech that games shouldn't just use technology for the sake of it.

"The technology has to make sense," said Josh, in a Q&A about Activision's Call of Duty: Black Ops. "Games have to use technology for a purpose."

The comments arose after Josh boasted about how Treyarch is using The House of Moves for Call of Duty: Black Ops; the same motion capture and special effects studio which worked on Avatar – could the constant pursuit of new gimmicks be holding back progression?

"Technology shouldn't be used just to be used," said Josh. "[i]Like Kinect or Move; developers shouldn't put that stuff in for the sake of it. It should make sense and create compelling gameplay.[i]"

Obviously, that's what Treyarch think they are doing – but without any hands-on time with the game, who are we to judge?

Is technology holding back games development in other areas? Let us know your thoughts in the forums.
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