360 finally overtakes PS2 in US sales

Written by Phil Cogar

September 14, 2007 | 14:57

Tags: #360 #ps2 #ps3 #sales-chart #wii

Companies: #npd

Yesterday we told you about Nintendo's Wii leading the console pack with over nine million worldwide sales. That, of course, was unsurprising but something else came in as shock when Kotaku got ahold of the NPD Group's August sales numbers: Microsoft's Xbox 360 had finally outsold Sony's Playstation 2.

These numbers only account for one month but it's bound to make the Microsoft guys happy. Sony has trumpeted the fact that the PS2 has outsold the 360 ever since its launch.

There is no doubt that the recent price drop of the 360 made the console much more appealing to consumers.

Console sales in the US came in as the following:

Wii - 403,600
Nintendo DS - 383,300
Xbox 360 - 276,700
PlayStation 2 - 202,000
PSP - 151,200
PLAYSTATION 3 - 130,600

If you thought Sony wouldn't be trumpeting around about anything considering that they sat at the very bottom of the sales figures, then think again.

August was "a strong month for the PlayStation brand." At least according to Sony, that is. A "61 percent lift at retail over the past two months" and a total of £168.8 million in total sales are what Sony calls a good month for the PS3 and PS2.

Sony also stated "out of stock situations," people holding off on buying a PSP until the new revision comes out, and decreased supplies due to the transitioning of manufacturing the new revision as the primary reasons behind low the low PSP sales.

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