Mod of the Month - The G5-yufi by thegyufi

Project Log: Here

While Macs are generally considered heresy by most PC users, Apple does make some very nice cases. Modding them isn't new but thegyufi's project The G5-yufi is taking a rather elegant approach to PC-fying this particular sample. thegyufi has added a superbly executed slot-loading cutout to the perforated mesh plus created his own fan and PSU mounts plus motherboard tray using clear acrylic.

Mod of the Month March 2014  Mod of the Month - The G5-yufi by thegyufi Mod of the Month March 2014  Mod of the Month - The G5-yufi by thegyufi

Mod of the Month March 2014  Mod of the Month - The G5-yufi by thegyufi Mod of the Month March 2014  Mod of the Month - The G5-yufi by thegyufi

Mod of the Month March 2014  Mod of the Month - The G5-yufi by thegyufi Mod of the Month March 2014  Mod of the Month - The G5-yufi by thegyufi

Mod of the Month March 2014  Mod of the Month - The G5-yufi by thegyufi Mod of the Month March 2014  Mod of the Month - The G5-yufi by thegyufi

We love the custom SSD mounts too and the side window is yet another neat addition to the project. This is another one to subscribe to and make sure you see how thegyufi is getting on in his project log

If you like The G5-yufi head over to the forum to cast one of your votes for it.
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October 14 2021 | 15:04