Coolermaster. We love them, we really do. Truely. We make no apologies for this: we firmly believe that Coolermaster flat out make the nicest cases in the business. So, when the chance comes around to review and mod their latest and greatest, who am I to reject the opportunity...
Now, this is perhaps a little hypocrytical because, until now, I've never actually owned a Coolermaster. I think I'm about the only guy on the team that has never owned an aluminium chassis of any sort (although I've obviously seen them, worked with them etc). So, I was more than a little excited about a Coolermaster of my very own, especially the sleek, black, 201-B.
Now, let me explain a little about this article. The whole thing actually dropped in my lap very nicely... Carl over at
PCMods had just sent me one of their v2 rheobuses, Terry over at
Shattered Web had just knocked us up some custom Bit-Tech appliques, and I was itching to start a new case project after Project Mithril. However, time constraints being what they were, I didn't have time to commit to a huge Macroman-esque undertaking.
But then, a thought occurred to me. I'd bet a fair whack of you guys don't have the amazing time and resources to knock up a monster of a case, and are just after something stylish, easy to mod, yet personal. So, my design strategy became: a stylish case, with just a little work, and readily available gear. The 201b was the perfect vehicle for this because, off-the-shelf, it is a very gorgeous case. In-built window, silver and black finish, it's a dream. My project began...
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