New Haze footage released

Written by Joe Martin

July 12, 2007 | 11:00

Tags: #doak #footage #free-radical #haze #ps3 #trailer #ubidays #yescombe

Companies: #e3 #sony

It's been a while since we last got a good look at Haze, but the game is still looking as good as ever - better even if the new footage from E3 is anything to go by.

Haze casts players as Shane Carpenter, a man who works as a soldier in the private army of The Mantel Corporation. Shane works as a force for good in the world, or so he believes, righting wrongs and fighting terrorists.

However, not all is black and white in Haze and Shane is quickly pulled down into a world of infinite, indecipherable greys where he can be certain of nothing. Things are made even more complicated by his use of the performance enhancing drug, Nectar, which gives him and his fellow troopers an edge in combat - allowing them to slow down time, hit with increased accuracy, strike with superhuman strength and anticipate incoming dangers.

Of course, nothing is ever as simple as it first appears and players are invited to see the bad side of Nectar both in terms of gameplay and narrative.

For example, overdosing on Nectar forces players into a rage so that they cannot distinguish friend or foe and will fire indiscriminately, forcing other players in co-op mode, which is supported on both platforms, to make a choice about whether to kill their fellow squaddies.

Nectar also acts as an inditement of videogame violence as, when using it, enemies die quickly and painlessly - just like in a game. Lift your visor and take a break from the drug however and the world is thrown into grim, overbearing colors and enemy deaths are shown in all their grim brutality.

Combining strong, adult themes and some excellent looking gameplay, Haze is looking to be the game which may sway even the most ardent anti-Sony writers over to the PlayStation 3, on which the game will lead before a release on PC also.

Don't just take our word for it though, check out the trailer which we've kindly provided and make your mind up for yourself.

Do game violence and adult themes go together, or do you prefer your games to be a simpler, run 'n' gun affair? Let us know in the forums.
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