'Duke Nukem was not marketed to children'

Written by Joe Martin

June 21, 2011 | 10:33

Tags: #2k #dnf #duke-nukem #duke-nukem-forever

Companies: #2k-games #take-two

Take-Two boss Strauss Zelnick has asserted that the recently released Duke Nukem Forever, which features adult content such as nudity, violence and foul language, was not marketed to children.

Talking about the game with Forbes, Zelnick also promised that future Duke Nukem IP is planned - though he wouldn't confirm what form it would take.

'We take ratings guidelines and marketing guidelines as seriously as a heart attack around here, said Zelnick.

'We do not market mature products to children. When friends of mine say, 'Oh, I plan to get Red Dead Redemption for my 15-year-old,' I say, 'You know this product is intended for adults?' We are incredibly serious about it.'

'That said, when we put something out I stand behind it, and will not compromise. When you put all those things all together it's difficult to be critical of the company. Because here in America, thank God, we have the ability to do what we want.'

Regarding future plans for Duke Nukem, Strauss said that 'if we can take some of our intellectual property and bring it to another medium in an extraordinary high quality way...we will.'

Duke Nukem Forever was released earlier this month after more than a decade in development. It's divided audiences, but has been almost universally savaged by press. Check out our Duke Nukem Forever review to see what we thought, or check the video below.

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