Rumour: Apple to takeover EA?

Written by Joe Martin

May 5, 2009 | 11:28

Tags: #stock

Companies: #apple #electronic-arts

We'd like to stress that this is a rumour, not proven in any way or form, before we go any further, but Apple is apparently getting ready to takeover Electronic Arts according to some.

By 'some', we actually mean CNBC's Guy Adami who has heard rumours that the Steve Jobs and Co. are eyeing the games developer and publisher as a possible acquisition, probably with some incredibly fashionable telescope.

Writing on TheStreet, Adami mentions that he's heard chatter of the possibly buy lately, though he doesn't offer any solid predictions or lend any credibility to the rumour. As Kotaku points out too, Adami's reputation is a little sketchy too and the news shouldn't be believed just because Adami works on CNBC's popular financial show, Fast Money.

In fact, we'll say that we think the news is incredibly unlikely and that while EA is probably the right publisher for Apple to target if it's looking to get into game development thanks to EA's mass-market appeal, there are other companies that the iPod giant could look at first if it wanted a foothold in software development.

Electronic Arts has had a turbulent history as of late too and while the portfolio of the company has been nicely rounded out by the acquisition of BioWare and Pandemic Studios, recent experiments with new franchises have met with disappointing sales despite positive press.

Whether or not the rumour is true though, it's certainly interesting. What's your opinion on the rumour? Could Apple really be looking to get into game development? Let us know your thoughts in the forums.
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