EA: 'We haven't killed Mirror's Edge'

Written by Joe Martin

June 9, 2011 | 10:53

Tags: #battlefield #e3-2011 #e3-2011-news #frostbite #frostbite-2 #frostbite-2-engine #mirrors-edge #mirrors-edge-2

Companies: #dice #electronic-arts

Speaking at E3 2011, Electronic Arts' Frank Gibeau confirmed that the publisher hasn't abandoned the Mirror's Edge franchise - and that it is actually looking at how the series may make a return.

DICE's Frostbite 2 engine, which will be used in Battlefield 3, may be part of that process, hinted Gibeau.

'We haven't killed Mirror's Edge,' Gibeau told GameTrailers.

'We're actively looking at how to bring it back in the right way. We love that franchise, the DICE guys really created something special the first time around. You've got to have a big idea to be able to do the next one, and that's what we're working on.'

When prodded about a future Mirror's Edge title being built on DICE's Frostbite 2 engine, Gibeau remarked that 'You'll see that combination, I'm sure.'

Electronic Arts' plans for the Mirror's Edge have been prone to change, however. A sequel was planned to follow the original game initially, but Mirror's Edge 2 pitches were then rejected earlier this year.

Let us know your thoughts in the forums and remind yourself about how good Mirror's Edge was with the trailer below.

You can check out other news from the show via our E3 2011 News hub.

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