Microsoft confirms, then denies, Windows 9

September 24, 2014 | 11:34

Tags: #alain-crozier #microsoft-france #microsoft-windows #operating-system #windows #windows-threshold

Companies: #microsoft #windows-9

Microsoft's French division has confirmed that the company will be announcing Windows 9, formerly known as Windows Threshold, in the next few days, but its English-speaking arms have been quick to 'correct' the statement.

The fact that Microsoft is working on a next-generation version of Windows should be no surprise: cool reception of Windows 8 and rumours that the company is switching to a more rapid release cycle reminiscent of its competitors mean that Windows Threshold is expected to launch sooner rather than later. Last week, Microsoft confirmed that it would be hosting a press conference on the 30th of September to show off its Windows-related plans, but stopped short of giving the product a name.

At least, until Alain Crozier, president of Microsoft France, took to the stage at a local conference and uttered the words Microsoft has been holding back: the press conference on the 30th will involve Windows 9. 'Last year, we released Windows 8[.1],' a transcription of his introductory remarks made by ZDNet France reads. 'In a few days, we will release our new OS, Windows 9.'

That's the first time an official Microsoft communique has used the phrase Windows 9 to refer to Windows Threshold, seemingly confirming that the next-generation release will indeed follow the numerical naming trend reintroduced with Windows 7 after years of date-based (95, 98, 2000, technically speaking Millennium Edition too) and codename-based (NT, XP, Vista) launches.

There's a catch, of course: despite the phrase Windows 9 clearly leaving the mouth of a highly-placed Microsoft executive, the company is still trying to keep an air of mystery around its upcoming press conference. In a follow-up statement on the matter to ZDNet France, the company claimed that what is to be unveiled on the 30th of September 'does not [yet] have a name as such' - basically airbrushing a likely rather chastised Crozier's comments from history.

One thing seems clear in all this: Windows Threshold, under whatever final name Microsoft chooses, will be public knowledge by the end of the month.
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