THQ: Warhammer 40K MMO will be profitable

Written by Joe Martin

May 6, 2010 | 11:55

Tags: #40k #mmo #mmorpg #rpg #warhammer #warhammer-online

Companies: #thq

THQ has spoken in a conference call about how successful it needs the new Warhammer 40K MMO to be, commenting that the project will start to pay off if it approaches a million subscribers.

Outlining plans for the project, THQ CEO Brian Farrell said that the publisher was investing a lot of money in the game and hopes that it will continue for up to seven years, according to Joystiq.

"Presuming that the MMO is successful, we could have a three-, five-, seven-year-long term revenue and profit driver with that very, very exciting brand," said Farrell.

To be successful though, Farrell says that Warhammer 40K Online doesn't need to read World of WarCraft levels of success. WoW may dominate the marketplace with almost 12 million players, but THQ would be happy to snare anywhere near 1 million paying subscribers.

"We don't need the kind of subscriber levels that people throw around, like a million subscribers, to make a lot of money on this title. If we get anywhere near this level, we'll be making a lot of money."

To put these figures into context, the last Warhammer MMO, EA's Warhammer Online, peaked at just 300,000 subscribers despite plenty of investment from EA and developer Mythic.

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