bit-tech Readers Survey Winners Announced!

Written by Harry Butler

July 2, 2008 | 14:08

Tags: #competition #prizes

Companies: #bit-tech

We're pleased to announce that our reader's survey was a great success, with over 3,000 of our readers taking part. To thank everyone for their participation we offered the chance to win some great hardware prizes, in conjunction with MSI, BFG Tech, and Corsair. Today we're happy to announce the lucky winners!

They are...

Michael Charge, who wins an MSI gaming notebook worth nearly £900!

Lee Horner, who wins a BFG Tech GeForce 9800 GTX OCX graphics card

Mike Baldwin, who wins a Corsair HX1000W power supply and a 4GB Corsair dominator memory kit

Freddie Parkin, who wins a Corsair TX750W power supply and a 4GB Corsair dominator memory kit

Mathew Tuck, who wins a 32GB Corsair flash voyager memory stick

and James Wright, who also wins a 32GB Corsair flash voyage memory stick!

Congratulations to the winners, and commiserations to those who didn't win. Why not try your luck in our Noctua competition instead?

The information you've all provided is invaluable to us in letting us know what you want to see more or less of on bit-tech, and we've already taken some steps based on this years survey with the launch of the bit-tech newsletter.

What else would you like to see from bit-tech in the coming months? Want to congratulate the winners? Then head on over to the forums!
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